Just the 2 of Us
Monday, September 17, 2012
Oh how I love birthdays, I always have and today was no exceptions! Today I turned 28 which isn't bad but I was very emotional and I'm just blaming that on getting older lol. I was truly overwhelmed by the love and kind words that were shown to me. I have wonderful family, friends and church family! I started the birthday celebrating on Friday night by taking the Vaught kiddos to see Finding Nemo in 3D. It was a lot of fun :)Then Saturday evening had dinner with Rick, Candi and Dalt and on Sunday I spent most of my time at church but wouldn't have had it any other way. I love my Fellowship family! For lunch I was treated to La Hacienda by Mindy, MG and A-man along with the Alling clan. It was a great time of fellowship. Then to end the evening we went out for pizza with awesome friends Ty, Jeni and their sweet boy. Had a really good time of fellowship and we need to do it more often! :) Overall my birthday was AWESOME!!!!!
Oh and I can't forget the wonderful and yummy birthday cake that the Vaughts made me! When they delivered it and sang to me I started crying! They aren't just my neighbors and friends but they are my family! I am truly blessed to have them in my life and I thank God for them everyday!!!!
My birthday was great and I thank God for allowing me to live another day and to serve him in a small town at a wonderful church!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Parker 6 months
First off...wow its hard to believe that 6 months has come and gone. Parker man is now a lil over 12lbs and 25 inches long. He is a very active baby and started crawling on September 9th. What a fun yet sad time for momma lol. He loves all of his baby foods plus avocado, cantaloupe, and watermelon. He loves his cousin Macy and adopted cousin Nyah...they make him squeal and laugh. Seriously its really cute. He's got a close relationship with his "uncle" roel (Joel) and "aunt" Elizabeth and really the entire Knudsen family! He loves OU FOOTBALL and enjoys going to Grammy and papi's to watch the games :). He is a wonderful traveler and only fusses when hungry.
We took our first family vacation the first week of August and went to Sherman tx to see our besties and to meet their daughter Mackynzie. We had a fabulous time!!
Oh and Parker says momma! Hehe I just figured he would say dada first but he surprised me. Well that's all for now...will work on uploading photos within the next weeks :)
We took our first family vacation the first week of August and went to Sherman tx to see our besties and to meet their daughter Mackynzie. We had a fabulous time!!
Oh and Parker says momma! Hehe I just figured he would say dada first but he surprised me. Well that's all for now...will work on uploading photos within the next weeks :)
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Parker Alan

Was born February 27,2011 at 5:58 pm, weighing 8lbs 10 oz 20 1/2 inches long. A very healthy boy!
The day before (Saturday ) I hadn't felt all that good but just figured I was tired from the long and busy week. Unknown to me I started having contractions late afternoon but by 8 or so I was like these have got to be contractions ( they felt like cramps). So I sent my wonderful SIL a text asking her what they felt like. She called me and we talked for awhile and she asked that I keep her informed and if I had any other questions I could always call up to the hospital. I started to keep track of them but was sure they would end and that it was just false labor! I tried going to bed around 10 but couldn't get comfortable, I even took a hot shower thinking that would help relax me but to no prevail. By midnight the contractions were 10-20 mins apart every couple of minutes. I finally went to the living room so I wouldnt keep sid up. The contractions were not going away but I still thought this could still be false labor and I was not going to the hospital just to be sent home! Around 2:30-3:00 my contractions were between 5-8 mins apart every min or so and at one point I thought this is it but then changed my mind. Im telling you I was determined to make sure this was the real deal haha,but around 5:45 I went in and woke sid up and said I think its time. He got up and I finished packing my bag. We got to the hospital and checked in at 6:00 am the nurse checked me and I was only a 1 and 80% efaced I thought to myself oh great that's it! So the nurse had me walk around for awhile to see if it would help get things moving along at one point I even told her I was not going home and was going to have this baby lol. She laughed and told me that it could be a very long day and I said I didn't care! The doctor came in somewhere between 8 and 9 to check. Me and I was pretty much the same but he went ahead and broke my water. Once that happened...WOW were those contractions more intense. The nurse asked if I still wanted to do this drug free and I was like yes but I don't even think it was five minutes when I told sid get the nurse I want drugs and mind u the pitocin hadn't even been hooked up to me yet...haha! So I didn't do drug free like I kept saying I wanted to but instead got the epidural and man was it wonderful! I couldn't feel a thing not a thing at all and it was great! :) After church I had several visitors...rick and candi,joel and elizabeth,mindy mg and lil a man and misty and ny! Both mindy,misty and the kiddos stayed and kept us company. Loved having them there for their love and support. The day progressed and around 4 or a lil after not really sure I was ready to push. At this time I totally lose track of all sense of time but I was told I pushed for 25-45 mins with no prevail...I was using the oxygen and was tired. Pushing is a lot of work...finally the doctor called for a c-section and things started happening fast(I was running a high fever and the babys heartbeat went up a time or two). Going into the OR was pretty scary...I was having a major surgery and I had never had surgery before but I had a great anesthesiologist who really helped me calm down! The next thing I remember is this little cry and them bringing my baby over to me and I just kissed him and told him momma loved him so very much!
So that is my birth story!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Baby Shower...
WOW, I feel so blessed! We have so many people who have and are showing us their love and support as we await the arrival of our sweet and adorable Parker. Only 2 weeks left if he comes when he is due...hehe
Friday February 18,2011 was the night that we had the shower and man what a wonderful turnout! Erin and the other ladies who hosted it did a FABULOUS job and it was beautiful. They decorated with a zebra and turquoise color scheme which I absolutely loved and it was so me! We were blessed beyond words with an abundance of gifts with many of them being OU sooner gear. Parker is definetely ready to sport his daddies favorite college team and his soon to be favorite as well I'm sure! I'm now anxiously waiting for Parker to make his prescence so I can put him in all of his different outfits...cuz I'm sure I'll have to put him in a few different ones each day just so he can wear them all...haha
Friday, January 28, 2011
Last day at work...
wow I can't believe its already here! That means the real countdown will begin and thats just pure crazy to me. I know I've said this a MILLION times but its so true the time has just flown by. I can remember as if it was yesterday the day I found out we were expecting our first lil one. My lower jaw hit the floor in shock and stayed that way for like 30 minutes(ok so I'm exagerating on the time but still). July 6th was the day we found out our family was going from 2 to 3. It was also a very long day because I didn't see Sid til almost 10:00 that evening and of course didn't want to tell him over the phone...who does that? Haha...I even debated on waiting to tell him that Sunday (7/11) our 2nd anniversary but I just couldn't keep it any longer...I wanted him to know. So I went to tell him and couldn't get it out without giggling...if you know me, you know that I giggle sometimes when I get nervous or really excited and I was both.
Like I've said before my pregnancy has been very uneventful and to be honest it still is...I don't know if I've even had braxton hicks.(I get asked that alot here lately) On Monday (01/31) I start going to the doctor weekly and that is just strange to me cuz litterally Parker can and could come any day now. I still think he won't grace us with his presence until March 7th or later BUT several keep telling me that he'll be here in February, even Parker's daddy thinks he'll come in February...So I guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we.
Well like the title says...today is my last day at work and I was surprised with a cake and flowers by these wonderful ladies I've been blessed to work with. I'm going to kinda miss them but so look forward to this new journey I'm about to partake in. I've wanted to be a mommy for as long as I can remember, even at my kindergarten graduation I said that when I grow up I want to be a stay at home mommy (not just a mommy...I was very specific haha)Well now I get to do that...Its a little scary and nerve racking but I know its going to be worth it or atleast I hope it is...haha :D
Like I've said before my pregnancy has been very uneventful and to be honest it still is...I don't know if I've even had braxton hicks.(I get asked that alot here lately) On Monday (01/31) I start going to the doctor weekly and that is just strange to me cuz litterally Parker can and could come any day now. I still think he won't grace us with his presence until March 7th or later BUT several keep telling me that he'll be here in February, even Parker's daddy thinks he'll come in February...So I guess we'll just have to wait and see now won't we.
Well like the title says...today is my last day at work and I was surprised with a cake and flowers by these wonderful ladies I've been blessed to work with. I'm going to kinda miss them but so look forward to this new journey I'm about to partake in. I've wanted to be a mommy for as long as I can remember, even at my kindergarten graduation I said that when I grow up I want to be a stay at home mommy (not just a mommy...I was very specific haha)Well now I get to do that...Its a little scary and nerve racking but I know its going to be worth it or atleast I hope it is...haha :D
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Man alive...
my body must be trying to prepare me for when lil Parker comes because for the last few weeks I've been waking up extremely early and being up for a couple hours before falling back to sleep. Last night or should I say early this morning I was wide awake at 2:30 and didn't fall back to sleep til 5:00! Like SERIOUSLY...whats up with that?!
I guess if this is my bodies way of helping me get prepared ok, but it would be so much more worth it if I had Parker to get up with, atleast in my very own opinion.
Its getting closer and closer for Parker's big entrance and I'm getting really excited but its still feeling very unreal! My pregnancy has been smooth sailing and I have nothing to complain about. Thank you Lord for such a smooth ride and I pray it continues that way all the way to the end result!
Just 6 weeks and counting give or take...WOW is all I can say!
I guess if this is my bodies way of helping me get prepared ok, but it would be so much more worth it if I had Parker to get up with, atleast in my very own opinion.
Its getting closer and closer for Parker's big entrance and I'm getting really excited but its still feeling very unreal! My pregnancy has been smooth sailing and I have nothing to complain about. Thank you Lord for such a smooth ride and I pray it continues that way all the way to the end result!
Just 6 weeks and counting give or take...WOW is all I can say!
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