Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hayden Michael Knudsen

was born on December 22, 2010 9 lbs 3 oz, 22 inches long to Joel and Elizabeth. He has a head full of dark hair and blue eyes and is absolutely beautiful! Elizabeth posted a picture of him and her on FB and I just can't stop looking at it! Its just beautiful to me!

As I write this the tears are just falling down my cheeks! Oh how I hurt for them...this should be a fun and joyous time for them and their families yet its sad as they are mourning his death. I can't even begin to imagine what they are feeling and going through! My heart just hurts for them.

I've been in constant pray for them the last few days but feel like I need to be doing more yet praying is the best thing I or anyone can do for them right now. I can't even bring myself to going up there to see them because I feel so guilty! So guilty for being pregnant, for being able to feel my little guy move inside me...just guilty! I know I shouldn't but right now I can't help it! Hayden and Parker could've been best friends like their daddies! They should be growing up, playing, fighting and everything else together but they won't be!

God is God and He is in control and He knew all along this was going to happen! He is going to use this and make something great!

Hayden I look forward to meeting you one day in Heaven! You are loved and will never be forgotten!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

No words...

My heart is heavy today for some sweet friends, Joel and Elizabeth who are mourning the death of their sweet baby boy Hayden! Even when we don't understand we must trust and believe that God has another plan!

Friday, December 17, 2010

friends and babies

One of our college friends just had their first baby. Michael and Camille welcomed Joshua Andrew to their family last night(Dec. 16th). He weighed 8lbs 2.5 ounces and is 20 1/2 inches long! He is one handsome little guy!!!
Now the countdown begins for several others friends...Joel and Elizabeth(literally any day now), Tyler and Jeni(Jan.2nd),
JJ and Lindsay(Jan.7th), us(March 7th) and last but not least Tyler and Renee(April 24th)! Oh the joys of having friends who are having babies! Out of ALL that were mentioned there is only one lil girl and she's the baby of the bunch hehe! This could be trouble but the other boys will know that she is Parkers! Hehe ;)


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Friday, December 10, 2010


I'm so ready for this week and weekend to be over then just maybe it will slow down!!!!!
This week as been extremely crazy with Vision banquet preparations and now the christmas parties...I'm so extremely tired!
One good and very positive is that the decorations are done and in their place! Whew...that was some work!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

26 weeks...

Here's a couple shirts that I've bought Parker! I can't wait for him to wear them :)
He is going to look so cute!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

one of my favorites!

Thanks to Mindy Upham Photography for taking this picture along with several others! Love them!!! :D

Friday, November 12, 2010

funny story...

I just can't resist sharing this story and I don't want to forget it either! My sweet Nyah came up to me after church wednesday night rubbing my belly AND THEN out of no where she asked (eyes huge and pointing at my melons hehe)..."Are you going to feed Parker with those?" My response... "Yes, I'm going to atleast try" She then replied with a disgusted look, "eww yuck"
Oh I laughed so hard and for so long! It was priceless!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saturday, October 23, 2010


First off...I can't believe I'll be 21 weeks on Sunday(10/24/10)...the time is just flying by! I think everyone knows but I'll say it on here anyways Its a boy! Parker Alan. I've truly loved and enjoyed every minute of my pregnancy and I can't wait to be holding him in my arms!
Have been staying semi-sorta busy which is a very good thing. The first part of the month Rebekah got married so we made a trip to Oklahoma for the wedding and was very busy the entire time. It was very plain and simple but it turned out pretty good! While there Liz brought my car seat/stroller duo to me! I love it and look forward to using it. I tried to get Sid to put it together for me but he said NO! haha what a punk! Lol j/k I love him!
Friday night (10/22) we had a girls night and had a fabulous time of food and fellowship! I'm very blessed to have so many christian lady friends in my life, we all have so much fun together.
Today Mindy and I planned a little road trip to the pumpkin patch with ALL the kids(MG, Lil A, Ny, Nais, and Nono)it would have been a blast if only it wasn't a bust! We drove all the way out there just for it to not be opened. They are only open 2-7 Saturday and Sunday. Well we got there around 11:30ish and they wouldn't even let us go in take a few pictures and buy a pumpkin or two! I think Mindy and I may have been more bummed then the kiddos...haha!!! So we drove back and took Nais to his 1st soccer game of the season. He did good or at least I think he did, but I'm a proud "aunt" so what else can I say! He played 2 games then it was time for Ny to play her 2 games which her team won both of them! I was definitely the soccer mom of the day :D hehe! After the games we came home and we were ALL very tired!!!
Even though it was a fun filled day and on the go, I enjoyed every minute of it I'm just not sure if I'm ready to be an actual soccer mom so its a good thing we have a long time ahead haha!
Well the weekend may be over but the business is not! Mindy and I will leave super early Monday morning to make a quick road trip to OKC, to see Lindsey poo, a lil shopping and for Mindy a photo shoot! Its gonna be one busy and maybe hectic day but I'm so looking forward to it and I know we'll have a blast!!!!
So until next time...Adios! :D

Monday, August 9, 2010

A Long Time A Coming...

this blog post anyways!
On July 6th we found out that we are expecting our first child! It definitely came as a surprise but we are excited and up for the challenge or at least we think...haha.

TELLING SID...I didn't tell him in any special way although I did contemplate waiting til our anniversary which was that Sunday but i just couldn't do it! So that evening we were just chilling on the couch and after a few minutes I looked at him and said, "Sid, I'm pregnant we're gonna have a baby" I then laughed which made him not believe me at first but after a few more laughs from the both of us we realized we were now on this journey!

TELLING FAMILY...When it came to telling the families we had decided to wait til after we went to the Dr. and had it confirmed! So our first appt was August 5th. I figured I would go by myself but Sid surprised me and went along! Everything looked great and he said the due date is March 7th! So we decided it was time to let the family in on our lil secret.
I again contemplated on whether or not I would tell my mom and sisters or wait till I go to Duncan in a couple weeks. I personally wanted to tell them all together and in person but I gave in and just called them. I called mom, Liz and then Bekah. They were all thrilled and Liz was funny by saying she needed to start shopping. LOL We tried telling Sid's parents that night but they weren't home so we waited till the next day which was Friday. They came over and we talked for a few and then Sid said well we've got some news to share and told them we were gonna have a baby. We had no idea how they would take it but they were excited! Now came telling Mindy...I wanted to tell her for a LONG time but Sid wouldn't let me and I even thought she had an idea but she said she had no clue! Then we told a few friends that are more like family! Its been nice sharing our secret with them but we've decided to try and keep it on the down low for a little longer so we shall see how that goes. haha

I've got a few pictures so I'll work on getting those uploaded and posted in the next few weeks!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

10 on Tuesday

Its been a little crazy around here and I haven't done one of these in a really long time! So here I go...

1. Camp-took a group of 40 or so to Silver State June 13-19 and had a wonderful time! Many of the young people made decisions and surrendered their life to the Lord!!!

2. We got back from camp and went full speed getting ready for Liberty and had lots of long practices.

3. Then it was Liberty time which I absolutely love which maybe I'm crazy but its so amazing to be a part of. We took up an offering both nights for a local Solder's family to cover some cost that have occurred in his death over in Afghanastan! To see the surprise on the wife and mothers face was priceless!

4. Sid and I were able to get away Sunday night and go to Amarillo and spend all day Monday there! Its been a really long time since we've done that with the building taking top priority! So we called it an early Anniversarry celebration!

5. A week from tomorrow Liz and I will be taking a mini vacation to KC! Super excited because we both need it!

6. While in KC one of our cousins is getting married and looking forward to the wedding and all the fun festivities that will be taking place!

7. My vacation also leads to beautiful friend and SIL is due at the end of the month but for some reason I have this thought and fear that she'll go into labor! I am MG's caregiver when Mindy goes into labor so she can't have this baby til I get back...So please try and wait til atleast Saturday :)hehe

8. I'm about to be an aunt again! Wow...I just love it and hope I have a bond with this baby just as much as MG! MG lights up my life and I'm a very proud aunt! So I'm hoping that being an aunt x's 2 won't change anything!

9. I almost forgot...while in Amarillo I had to get my bridesmaid dress taken in for alterations that cost me just as much as the dress! Man they know how to take a persons money...hehe!

10. Well I did it even if I just did a bunch of rambling!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

This and that

Ok so the last time I was here it was March! MARCH, can you believe that? Where did the time go??? So Here I go...
1. The first of April I went to Amarillo and met up with Mom, Bekah and Liz to start wedding preperations! The strange thing about it all was...two years to the date I was doing the same thing for me! Bekah found her dress and its beautiful!!! She decided to go with a tee length style that is strapless with a lace overlay. She is going to add a touch of color by adding a red sash! Liz and I got our bridesmaid dresses as well and I just absolutely LOVE them! One of my favorite parts is that it has pockets hehe!

2. We had our missions conference the middle of April. Bro. Woodcock preached and we had several missionaries here! What a great time of fellowship we had and enjoyed the preaching! It was a wonderful week!

3. Lets see what else happened in April...oh yes how could I forget hehe! I was let go from the Dr.'s Office that I worked out! I was pretty upset even though I knew it was for the best! I look back at it and I'm so Thankful I'm no longer there...more stressful than I realized!

4. Since I was jobless that meant I was able to spend more time with my Vaught kiddos and the most precious and adorable niece in the world...MG! Oh how I love them!

5. The end of April came and I got a pt job and I didn't even apply for it! Its kinda a crazy/long story so I'll just say this I'm working at Spalon(Hair Salon) and love it, love it, love it!!!!

6.Now we are in the 2nd weekend of the month and it was crazy busy!!!! Last night was the Mother/Daughter Banquet. Fiesta Frenzy was the theme! It was a great hit! Lots of time, prep, and work went into it but all worth it!

7. Mom came down for the mother/daughter banquet and so I got with Liz and Bekah to try and surprise mom! Liz was able to come and it was good even if the cat was let out of the bag a tad bit early! :)

8. While here Liz and I treated mom to her very first pedicure! What a great time! Its always nice to see family!

9. Saturday nite we had our Senior Banquet! It was simple yet beautiful or atleast I think so but I'm a little partial since I did the decorating with Liz's help hehe

10. And I've come to date...Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful mom! Thanks for loving me, supporting me and being my friend! You are the best!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. I should have done this last week and the week before that but I didn't I've been neglecting my blog a lot here lately! :(
2. The first week was busy with revival and then this last week I just didn't do it! Revival was great! I truely enjoyed every minute of it!!! Bro. Sam Davison came and preached and did a fabulous job!.
3. I had a scentsy party last friday night and had a whoppin' two people come but you know that was totally cool and we still had a fabulous time! On top of that I did good with sales...was able to get 2 1/2 items and like $27 bucks of free product so not bad at all!
4. I know I mention work ALOT but its not getting better and honestly I'm ready to just stay at home! Besides its not like we really need the money...its more for fun and just to have some extra spending money! At this point its not worth working to have ALL the drama! So who knows whats in store!!!!
5. Ok I wasn't gonna say anything on this next topic but its my blog and therefore can say whatever I want!!!! hehe...I'm ready for the next step in my life and that is motherhood! (Sorry Mindy I'm sure you don't want to hear that) I know babies cost money and all that jazz but ever since I was a little girl I've dreamed of being a mommy, that was my biggest dream (no high hopes for me hehe) and now I feel like I'm ready!
5.Well the first day of spring greeted us with a little bit of snow, a lot of wind and really cold temps! brr its cold if only spring would decide to stay and join us for awhile!!!!
6. Have I mentioned lately what an adorable lil niece I have! She came over for a little bit on Friday and we had a good time! She sure is a chatter box...I wonder where she gets that from?!?!?! I also showed her how she can put olives on her fingers and eat them...she loved it!!!
7. As I try to finish this lil baxter james is tugging on my sweats...I think he wants to play!
8. Today I was very lazy...slept in and then just lounged around it was nice and I can do that from time to time hehe
9. This weekend taking the teens to OKC for an all night laser tag quest...Oh joy!!!
10. Looking forward to next weekend when I get to spend time with both of my sisters!!!! Its been a long time!!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. My christmas tree is down!!! :D Thanks to Sid he took it down while I was at work!
2. Went to Amarillo for the weekend and had a great time! Didn't buy much of anything for myself but got several things for our upcoming widows banquet! I'm so excited and looking forward to it!
3. While in amarillo I picked up pastor and mrs. katie but instead of picking them up around 8:oo pm it was like 10:30 or so and then by the time we got their luggage loaded, something for them to eat and gas in my car it was going on 11:30 before we ever pulled out and to top it all off the weather was nasty making a very long trip home!
4. But we finally made it home safe and sound and I'm very thankful Pastor offered to drive us home since most know that I hate driving in this nasty stuff!
5. Work is work and I do enjoy what I do but there is one that makes me go insane and I just want to poke her eyes out! hehe
6. On that note I find myself having to walk away so I don't say something or laugh because she's being so stupid...for instance she brought an old stereo up there and I turned it on and changed it to the klove station because i wasn't feeling the country that she plays when she is up there! Since she wasn't up there for the majority of the time today I didn't think it mattered but oh was I wrong! Before she left she wrote in caps on a sticky note "DO NOT CHANGE STATION" haha that just cracks me up and I'm still laughing about it!
7. so I want to get some curtains for my living room just haven't found anything that just calls my if you have any ideas you would like to share give me a holla!
8. I've been working on cleaning my house and I can say I feel good about it! :)
9. Wow where as the time gone? I can't believe we are in the last week of February!!!
10. I feel so blessed with the family and friends God has given me! And with that have a fabulous week!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Last Friday we took 25 teens to El Dorado, Ks for a youth rally and had a wonderful time! The drive was even more enjoyable because the majority of them wanted to talk the whole way there and back! What great fellowship!

2. Saturday we went to Ny's bday party and it was fun! She got lots of cool things!

3. Well everyone knows that Valentine's day was Sunday and Sid & I didn't do anything! We were just too busy with church and things and really its just another day! We exchanged cards and that was it! lol

4. Today is Pancake Day and I enjoyed all the fun festivities! LOL

5. I'm gonna make a trip to Amarillo! Yay!!!! Its been awhile and I would just like to get out of Liberal for a few looking forward to that!

6. The tree is still not down! Seriously I think I just might shoot myself...LOL J/K

7. um...I'm short on what to say this week so I think I'll just end here!
Have a super fantastic week!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Wow what a week of interesting things going on...Ok well not that interesting I'm sure!

2. With that being said work is still work! Yes I enjoy what I do but not always the people I work with...hehe

3. Had an office meeting on Tuesday afternoon and for what I was there for I think went well! Everyone did a good job from directly pointing fingers at anyone even if they should've at times ;)! With that being said we now all have job duties that have been assigned to us personally and they are no one elses responsibility but our own!!!!

4. I just love our new coffee show that is new to the town of Liberal! Spencer Brown's is an awesome place...I truely love the Caramel Apple Cider!!!! Yummy I want one right now just thinking about it!

5. I've been looking into getting insurance for Sid and I but I still haven't done anything with the info I've come bad! I should probably get on that now shouldn't I? hehe

6. Ok I now need to Christmas tree is still up! :/ I know thats terrible I just haven't felt like taking it down even when I know I need to...its February for petes sake!

7. On Friday night I went over to Mindy's for a scentsy party/girls night! I had a great time! While there I even gave in to having a party! Seriously what was I thinking??? They never turn out and no one EVER comes!!! I guess we shall see on this one now shouldn't we!

8. Sunday at choir practice it was the Liberty kick-off! Wow can you believe that...already preparing for Liberty! It just amazes me...I'm already looking forward to it while many others are dreading it! Maybe its because they've done it for soooooooo long and this is just my 2nd year!

9. We keep getting this snow/ice junk...when will it ever stop! Who knows but I've heard we could be in for another round starting Thursday...Oh Joy!!!!!

10. Last but not least I've been looking into taking a cruise for Sid and I's very first vacation together! Can you believe that we haven't taken a real vacation together in the almost 2 years we've been married and I will not be one of those who never gets one until we're ancient and old! hehe

So until next week have a blessed and wonderful one!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Well so much for our get away to Amarillo for the marriage retreat! :( I was pretty bummed!!!
2. Due to our wonderful weather we received several inches of snow over the night on Thursday and woke up to everything being covered! I will admit it did look pretty but I still wasn't overjoyed since it did cancel our trip.
3. With the change of plans we just had the marriage retreat here and it did turn out really well and we even had several more come that weren't planning on coming for the original trip!
4. Work is getting better...slowly anyways! I am now the check-in receptionist instead of the check-out! Truely not that much of a difference except for the fact that once everyone is in and my stuff is done then I get to go home!!!!
5. On top of that I will be doing more office pay bills! Loads of fun can you feel the excitement! haha
6. Sid and I have had the pleasure of having our beautiful niece Macy Gracie stay with us for a few days! Boy, do I love her...she is so cute, fun and loving! One of my favorite things to hear her say is belly button because it comes out as "butt" hehe!!!! Super cute!!!
7. I also love hearing her say Rana!!!! Today she kept saying it over and over again...I'd look at her and say what Macy Grace, then she would just smile from ear to ear!!! Precious!!!!
8. Oh and her laugh is so contagious!!!!! I could just go on and on about her...she truely is an AMAZING lil girl! I feel so blessed to be her aunt!!!
9. I learned something new the other day thanks to Sid...Rana in spanish means frog!!!! Can you believe seriously?!?!?!
10. And last but not least...Sunday we(meaning choir) will begin our Liberty music! seriously I just can't believe that! From what I could tell when I was making copies of the music its gonna be awesome! I'm truely looking forward to it!!!!
Have a fabulous week...much love friends!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Well its another week!!! The older I get the faster time seems to fly right on by!

2. Sid turned 23 on Saturday! We didn't do much he had bus visitation and then had to clean the church so I worked on doing some laundry...then we went over to his parents house for dinner! All in all it was a great day!

3. Sunday night was our first night for our 6 week volleyball tournament fundraiser. (I think its 6 weeks! hehe) We had chili and cinnamon rolls! Very yummy! Already looking forward to next week!

4. I found out some exciting news and I think its ok to share on here since no one reads it but a few! :) TJ & Sheena are expecting their first little one!!!

5. Well the work week didn't start off the greatest but Wednesday is a fresh start!!!!!

6. Marriage Retreat weekend!!!!! WhooHoo...I'm pretty excited and it should be lots of fun! 1. its in Amarillo and I love it there and 2. its out of Liberal! Do I need to say more!!!! hehe

7. Since we'll be in Amarillo that means I get to do a little bit of shopping! I don't think I'll go over board theres only a few things that I'm wanting to get in particular but you never know! If theres a sale I just might get sucked in!!! :)

8. My baby Baxter is getting so big and it makes me so sad!!!!

9. I got my hair redone...I decided to just had some blonde highlights to the top and trim my hair up. I'm wanting to grow it out so we'll see how far I get!

10. Well I'm now going to crawl back into bed but first I'm gonna take some meds so maybe I'll get feeling better soon!

Have a fabulous week!!!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Ok so this is a few days late but theres a reason...
2. The reason is our computer cord finally bit the dust!!!! What a sad day it was for me! Since we don't have basic channels or cable I watch my things on the internet!
3.I'm gonna have another lil one to spoil! Being an aunt is like serioulsy the best thing in the world!!!! I love MG and gonna love this new little one!
4. Last week I watched the Vaught kiddos for several days!!! What a blast!!! They truely are great kids and their parents are raising them right!
5. Last Friday we had a lock-in for the teens! I believe it was a success! It started at 10pm and went til 5:30 or so! Tyler and Sid had everything planned and there really wasnt any down time for anyone to get tired! I would have to say the game that was the biggest hit would probably have to go to the sumo wrestling! A few girls totally biffed! :) hehe
6. Thanks to my sister-in-law I planned a menu for this week and it worked! I didn't post sorry Mindy but I'll work on posting my menu for next week! It was nice just knowing what we were gonna have instead of trying to decide the night of and then just going to grab something cuz I didn't want to cook and it saved us money!
7. Sid and I went to Garden on Monday and even though its not far it was so nice to just be away from Liberal for a little while!
8. While there we ate at IHOP...and oh was it yummy for my tummy! Oh my soul...delicious!!!!!
9. Work is work and its alright! Not really getting better but its not worse! I'm just glad that its not just me who is getting treated different or rudely! Its happening to others and or they are seeing it!
10. Now off to catching up on ALL my shows!!!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I didn't fall of the face of the earth but for those readers of mine (all two of you) I'm still here! I've tried keeping up with my 10 on Tuesdays but really my life is so um...well...BOREING!!!! Yes I work and do things but its just uneventful and I find myself too bored to write about the day to day things so I just don't!

The last couple of weeks have been stressful and a lots being going on with a young girl I work with! I say young in the kindest way possible but its true she has so much growing to do. I thought it was just me but come to find out she does this to everyone! She'll correct you on someone's last name even if she doesn't know how to say it! Like seriously you asked this person how to say their last name and remember it with the million others! I doubt that!!!! But not only will she correct you but she'll do it in front of that person when they didn't even say anything and 99% of the time they don't even understand what she said since they don't speak English but thats not the point! To me that is like trying to make your co worker look bad and its NOT proffessional whatsoever!!!!!! And there are many more things but this is all I'm gonna say! I pray it'll just get better!

For now this is it! I will try extrememly hard to post my 10 on Tuesday on Tuesday if I don't then shoot me...hehe!