Friday, January 30, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart."Source Unknown

This is for all my friends far or near. Thanks for all you do and for everything you mean to me. I will always be greatful! Much Love!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. Yes, I know this is late and I'm totally sorry. I've been snowed in and don't have internet access at home.
2. On Monday 1/26 we had our first actual winter storm. It started with ice and lots and lots of ice that lasted all night and into the morning. Then it turned over to sleet by late afternoon on Tuesday and finished with a little bit of snow. It turned out pretty but I hate ice!!!
3. Due to the weather work had been canceled for 2 days.
4. I realized that I can't wait to be able to stay home and take care of our future babies. :)
5. I'm so proud of Liz and the woman she's becoming
6. Rebekah is a doll, she's gonna let me borrow all the seasons of One Tree Hill...yay!
7. I've had lots of work to do and it feels good
8. I miss my hubby...LOL he's only at work and I get to see him tonight
9. My beautiful niece is growing like a weed!
10. I'm so ready for the weekend and the 1st of Febuary. LOL :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Signature Sound Concert Pictures 01-24-09

Our autographed picture :)
Me & Ernie

Sid & Ernie

Doug Anderson, Ryan Seaton, Sid and Tim Duncan

Me and the boys

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

10 On Tuesday

1. This is for you Mindy :)
2. I'm at work doing nothing just like normal
3. I'm stoked about this weekend. We are going to Wichita, KS to see Signature Sound for Sid's birthday, so I can't wait for that.
4. I'm also very excited about something else but we'll all just have to wait for a later post on that one and no I'm not pregnant mom!
5. I have the most adorable little niece in the world and I'm not just saying that to be biased.
6. I'm very excited about this weekend!
7. I need to get my bangs cut and hair layered some more but most importanly I need to get my bangs cut. If you were to see me you'd say "What bangs?", thats how bad it is.
8. I still can't believe two of my friends are expecting their first baby this summer. One is due in June and the other is due in August. Its just crazy especially when they both said they wanted to wait for a while, God had other plans for them though.
9. Looking forward to Friday, the day Sid was born 22 years ago. Yes I married myself a baby. LOL, but who cares about age its so over rated and he's the love of my life.
10. Um...have I mentioned that I'm very excited for this weekend?? :)

Quote of the Day

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others. --Pericles

Friday, January 16, 2009

Another Quote

“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!” ~Amanda Bradley

I love quotes and I'm going to do my hardest to try and post at least one once a week. I hope that everyone has a wonderful and blessed weekend!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Quote of the Day

"Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to an all-knowing God."
~Corrie Ten Boom

Monday, January 12, 2009

Holiday Seasons are Over...

I finally got my tree and all my Christmas decor down and packed away for another year. It was sad in a way having to pack it all up because that means our first Christmas is over and there won't be another "Our 1st Christmas"
This week officially starts the semester, Sid's last semester. What a scary and exciting time it is. Its exciting because Sid has worked so hard for this day to come and I'm so proud of him. It's also exciting because school will be behind us and we'll start another phase on our journey but its scary at the same time. We don't have any idea or leads as of right now. All we can do is pray for God's leading and direction. So pray with us as we seek His guidance

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I'm just sitting here thinking about the past and I've got to say I've got two amazing sisters. We may not always get along and we don't get to see each other as often but I know we love each other and if we needed to we'd drop everything to be there for one another.
"God made us sisters but we're friends by choice" and thats so true. I've had many friends come and go in my life but the ones that will ALWAYS be there are my sisters.
Liz and I have a special bond...we lived together on our own for two years and lived to tell about it. :) We had our ups and downs but honestly I wouldn't have wanted to have it any other way. Those were some great times with many memories made. I can honestly say that I miss those days and I will always cherish that time!
I love you sisters!!!

Monday, January 5, 2009


I've been sick the last few days so have nothing to say and don't want to bore ya'll to pieces.

Mindy, I think I fixed it so you'll have to try and post a comment. If it still doesn't work then you've got me and I don't know what else to do.

Friday, January 2, 2009


Well we did it another year has come and gone. 2008 was a fun filled year atleast for me. One of my best friends got married in March, I got engaged in March, another good friend got married in April, I moved in June, got married in July and in November came our beautiful little niece Macy Grace! And those are just a few things to name.

I feel so blessed and have God to thank for everything. I hope and pray that 2009 is just has fun filled as 2008 was. I'll leave you all with some pictures.

I was sick so don't mind how nasty I look..hehe