Tuesday, April 28, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. Can you believe it I'm actually doing my 10 on Tuesday
2. This weekend our SS class had an activity and we actually went and had a great time.
3. The activity was "The Amazing Race" and we were on teams of 5. Sid and I got paired with some amazing people...JJ & Lindsay Lusk and Ben Shain. On this activity we were given several things/places that we had to go to and take pictures of us doing wacky things. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we went!
4. I have to start packing!
5. Yes you read that right. Sid and I will be going to Liberal and doing a summer internship at his home church. I'm excited yet a little bit nervous all at the same time. Our summer will busy with VBS, Jr Camp and Senior camp along with several other things as well I'm sure.
6. I really need to get motivated to pack...our closet is going to be a NIGHTMARE with all of our clothes and junk
7. Our last Sunday in OKC will be May 17th
8. Since we'll be in Liberal I'll get to see more of our beautiful niece!!!! :)
9. Sid graduates in 2 weeks from Thursday!!!
10. I'm so proud of him and the accomplishments he's made on his college journey!
Well I did it...I did my 10 on Tuesday! So until next time have a great week!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Long time no see...

I'm still here and I'm terribly sorry for not blogging in such a long time. Work has been extremely busy and I'm so thankful that today has been more on the down low. Not only has work been busy but very stressful!!!!
Last weekend I went to Amarillo to see Liz and just have a great time. While there I got my hair done. I am now a brunette and absolutely LOVE it! Chayla is the best hairstylist in the world! :)
I will do my best to do my 10 on Tuesday next week but until then have a fantastic weekend!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. Well we've made it to another week!
2. It was Easter Weekend, which means it was our 1st one has a married couple. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary though. I made roast one of Sid's favorite dinners then watched a little bit of golf with him before I went to take a nap.
3. Speaking of golf, sid and I went to the driving range...that was a ton of fun. I even got a few balls off the ground and into the air! Sid loves golfing and I wanted to go do something that he enjoys along side him.
4. Friday night the youth from Sid's home church came in for an all night activity. We met up with them at Incredible Pizza and then went on to Laser Quest. Sid and I eventually left around 3:30 Saturday morning! It was a lot of fun and I'm glad that we went.
5. At work Jehan and I are having a contest to see how many interviews we can get set for today and tomorrow and then again next Tuesday and Wednesday and then we'll see how many of them actually come in. The winner will get $250...so who is going to win?!?!? ME!!!! LOL
6. So the other night I got a little sad and you know what it was over?!?! It wasn't over the possability of leaving friends or family but over leaving our first home as a married couple. Ok so I may be a little weird but I can't help it and I think of the little things. :)
7. We still have no leads just for those who may be curious.
8. Its beautiful outside and I wish I could be out there instead of in here but I must work.
9. I'm getting my hair done on Friday and I'm super excited!!! I can't wait its been so long since I've had it done at least by my best friend. I'm also excited to see Chayla, Liz and the second family!!!
10. I'm leaving you with a chorus that we sing a lot in church that I just love...
"He is Alive! No grave could keep my Lord; He is alive! New life He gives. He is Alive! He rose up on that Easter morn. He is alive! My Saviour lives."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

10 on tuesday

1. WoW, its been crazy the past couple of weeks! Its finally starting to slow down a tad.
2. This past weekend my baby sister came up and spent the weekend with Sid and I. Rebekah and I went shopping and just had a great time of bonding. It was fun!
3. One Tree Hill junkies...yes Sid and I have become huge fans. We just started watching this season and enjoyed it so much that we borrowed the first four seasons that Rebekah owns. We enjoyed them so much that we watched all 4 seasons in less than a 2 week time span. LOL I know we're crazy. Oh but wait it gets better...we bought season 5 off of ebay!
4. We've got 5 weeks till Sid's graduation! Can you believe that, just 5 weeks?!?!?!
5. We still have no leads of where we might go after graduation, but thats ok its in God's control. I can honestly say that I'm not worried nor stressed over it! I mean why should I be? God knows where he wants us and in His timing he'll show us. So all I can do is pray about it and that is exactly what I'm doing!
6. I never did fill you all in on the Gaither concert! It was AMAZING! I got Mark Lowry to sign something wishing mom a happy birthday and of course got my picture with him. I also met Karen Peck and New River, The Hoppers and of course we saw Signature Sound again. Everyone that we spoke with were oh so genuine and down to earth.
7. Just found out that another friend of mine is having a boy! Congrats Trisha and Tyson, I know how much ya'll were wanting a boy! :)
8. You would think that I would have a million things to say since I haven't posted anything in a while but I don't...I'm pulling a blank. LOL
9. I'm getting my hair done a week from Friday! I'm super excited 1. because it my best friend who is doing it and I trust her. 2. I get to see Liz, Chayla and Trisha! This is going to be fun!
10. Sunday is Easter! It doesn't even seem like its that time of the year already, it ALWAYS catches me off guard. LOL
Until Next Time...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

18 Candles!

18 years ago today my baby Sister was brought into this world. She was our rollie pollie and my baby doll! I think just about everytime she cried I was at her beckon call. LOL There is this one picture of me and her when she was two I think and I'm holding her and we're snuggling...its my favorite pictures of us. I'll have to find it so I can post it on here.

So Happy 18th Birthday Bekah! I love you!


I've been a terribly blogger these last few weeks and I apologize. Work as been super busy and crazy. Last week alone I put in 63 hours at the office. Last week we had a huge training and there were 18 people. So with that we had kits and books to put together and then over the weekend there were 13 or 14 sales, therefore this week we had to process them and get paperwork finished and sent to the finance companies. So like I said its been crazy.
Other than work life has been great. I had a very lazy weekend with the hubby and all we did was watch One Tree Hill. I love that show and not sure why I never watched it until now. LOL We're total junkies for the show. haha :)
Oh and Sid graduates 42 days!!! Seriously where has the time gone?!?!