Tuesday, April 28, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. Can you believe it I'm actually doing my 10 on Tuesday
2. This weekend our SS class had an activity and we actually went and had a great time.
3. The activity was "The Amazing Race" and we were on teams of 5. Sid and I got paired with some amazing people...JJ & Lindsay Lusk and Ben Shain. On this activity we were given several things/places that we had to go to and take pictures of us doing wacky things. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad we went!
4. I have to start packing!
5. Yes you read that right. Sid and I will be going to Liberal and doing a summer internship at his home church. I'm excited yet a little bit nervous all at the same time. Our summer will busy with VBS, Jr Camp and Senior camp along with several other things as well I'm sure.
6. I really need to get motivated to pack...our closet is going to be a NIGHTMARE with all of our clothes and junk
7. Our last Sunday in OKC will be May 17th
8. Since we'll be in Liberal I'll get to see more of our beautiful niece!!!! :)
9. Sid graduates in 2 weeks from Thursday!!!
10. I'm so proud of him and the accomplishments he's made on his college journey!
Well I did it...I did my 10 on Tuesday! So until next time have a great week!

1 comment:

mindy said...

Eeeee...I'm so excited =)