Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. So last night I watched the Bachelor and can I say OMG! In the very beginning they showed something...someone and I just knew that it was Deana. Well last night in the preview they showed her and she comes back. What does this mean you may ask? Well not sure and I kinda have mixed feelings about it but I really like Deana and still think that her and Jason make the best couple from the ones that are left. But if Deana's not in the picture then my pick is Mollie
2. I'm so glad that Jason got rid of Naomi, I really didn't think she was the right fit for him and like he said I don't think she was really ready for his life with Ty. She said she wants a family but that doesn't automatically mean your ready for a family.
3. This weekend was the Affair of the Heart and I went with Renee, Trisha and her gang. It was so much fun and I saw so many ideas that I want to try and do...so lets just see if I do any of them.
4. At the craft show it was like everywhere you turned there was a booth with little tutu's and my little niece would look oh so cute in one and I believe her mommy would take some really cute pictures with her in it. :)
5. I can't wait for a certain day to be here...I'm so excited and look forward to blogging about it...and no I'm not prego mom or Aunt Berta!(So stop guessing that, Please)
6. Some may not know but I love crafty things and doing craft projects. I may not be the good and they may not turn out the greatest but I love it none the less.
7. I also like looking for themes to do with Ladies ministries or like more recently trying to help my Aunt come up with a name for her churches coffee cafe. Its fun and I love doing things like that.
8. Man, I'm running out of things to say...
9. I got a $1 raise yesterday that will go into effect on the 16th when our new pay period starts. I'm pretty excited.
10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y01rx_XzQ34 today I'm leaving you with a link to Chris Tomlin's song "Amazing Grace" May it be a blessing to you!

1 comment:

mindy said...

you know if you would've called me I would've sent money to you for the tutu!! ugh....
the bachelor, it ended just how I would have wanted it to!