Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Well so much for our get away to Amarillo for the marriage retreat! :( I was pretty bummed!!!
2. Due to our wonderful weather we received several inches of snow over the night on Thursday and woke up to everything being covered! I will admit it did look pretty but I still wasn't overjoyed since it did cancel our trip.
3. With the change of plans we just had the marriage retreat here and it did turn out really well and we even had several more come that weren't planning on coming for the original trip!
4. Work is getting better...slowly anyways! I am now the check-in receptionist instead of the check-out! Truely not that much of a difference except for the fact that once everyone is in and my stuff is done then I get to go home!!!!
5. On top of that I will be doing more office things...ie. pay bills! Loads of fun can you feel the excitement! haha
6. Sid and I have had the pleasure of having our beautiful niece Macy Gracie stay with us for a few days! Boy, do I love her...she is so cute, fun and loving! One of my favorite things to hear her say is belly button because it comes out as "butt" hehe!!!! Super cute!!!
7. I also love hearing her say Rana!!!! Today she kept saying it over and over again...I'd look at her and say what Macy Grace, then she would just smile from ear to ear!!! Precious!!!!
8. Oh and her laugh is so contagious!!!!! I could just go on and on about her...she truely is an AMAZING lil girl! I feel so blessed to be her aunt!!!
9. I learned something new the other day thanks to Sid...Rana in spanish means frog!!!! Can you believe that...like seriously?!?!?!
10. And last but not least...Sunday we(meaning choir) will begin our Liberty music! Wow...like seriously I just can't believe that! From what I could tell when I was making copies of the music its gonna be awesome! I'm truely looking forward to it!!!!
Have a fabulous week...much love friends!

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