Sunday, January 24, 2010

10 on Tuesday

1. Well its another week!!! The older I get the faster time seems to fly right on by!

2. Sid turned 23 on Saturday! We didn't do much he had bus visitation and then had to clean the church so I worked on doing some laundry...then we went over to his parents house for dinner! All in all it was a great day!

3. Sunday night was our first night for our 6 week volleyball tournament fundraiser. (I think its 6 weeks! hehe) We had chili and cinnamon rolls! Very yummy! Already looking forward to next week!

4. I found out some exciting news and I think its ok to share on here since no one reads it but a few! :) TJ & Sheena are expecting their first little one!!!

5. Well the work week didn't start off the greatest but Wednesday is a fresh start!!!!!

6. Marriage Retreat weekend!!!!! WhooHoo...I'm pretty excited and it should be lots of fun! 1. its in Amarillo and I love it there and 2. its out of Liberal! Do I need to say more!!!! hehe

7. Since we'll be in Amarillo that means I get to do a little bit of shopping! I don't think I'll go over board theres only a few things that I'm wanting to get in particular but you never know! If theres a sale I just might get sucked in!!! :)

8. My baby Baxter is getting so big and it makes me so sad!!!!

9. I got my hair redone...I decided to just had some blonde highlights to the top and trim my hair up. I'm wanting to grow it out so we'll see how far I get!

10. Well I'm now going to crawl back into bed but first I'm gonna take some meds so maybe I'll get feeling better soon!

Have a fabulous week!!!!

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