Sunday, January 10, 2010

I didn't fall of the face of the earth but for those readers of mine (all two of you) I'm still here! I've tried keeping up with my 10 on Tuesdays but really my life is so um...well...BOREING!!!! Yes I work and do things but its just uneventful and I find myself too bored to write about the day to day things so I just don't!

The last couple of weeks have been stressful and a lots being going on with a young girl I work with! I say young in the kindest way possible but its true she has so much growing to do. I thought it was just me but come to find out she does this to everyone! She'll correct you on someone's last name even if she doesn't know how to say it! Like seriously you asked this person how to say their last name and remember it with the million others! I doubt that!!!! But not only will she correct you but she'll do it in front of that person when they didn't even say anything and 99% of the time they don't even understand what she said since they don't speak English but thats not the point! To me that is like trying to make your co worker look bad and its NOT proffessional whatsoever!!!!!! And there are many more things but this is all I'm gonna say! I pray it'll just get better!

For now this is it! I will try extrememly hard to post my 10 on Tuesday on Tuesday if I don't then shoot me...hehe!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I am SOOO glad to hear that you haven't fallen off the face of the earth :) I miss you!