Wednesday, June 24, 2009

10 on Wednesday now Thursday

1. Ok so I know this is supposed to be 10 on Tuesday but yesterday just slipped right on by and before I knew it, it was Wednesday.

2. We had lunch at the park. On Wednesdays during the summer theres Picnic at the park and different people or groups are the entertainment. Our choir was the entertainment for the hour and we sang four songs from our Liberty program.

3. Speaking of Liberty...I'm pretty proud of myself for learning all the music in such a short time. The choir has been practicing since Febuary and I didn't get the music till I came here which was at the end of May. So yes I'm bragging that I learned a ton of music in just a months time, now if I could only get over this sinus/cold thing I have!

4. Sid preached and did a great job! I'm so proud of him and love him more and more every day!

5. Its so stinkin HOT here!!! I step outside and I just start sweating and I hate it. I'd rather it be spring when the temps are just perfect!

6. I love Liberal!!!! I didn't know that I'd fall in love with the town, church and people as fast as I did but I did and I'm so glad that God has us here!!!

7. This is a shout out to those you read my blog that I don't get to see. I think of you all often and miss you all dearly. Love ya!

8. What with all the exclamation points...haha!!!

9. My sweet niece has the cutest thunder thighs and rolls a baby could have! I just love them!!!!

10. Have a wonderful and blessed rest of the week and weekend!

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