Monday, January 12, 2009

Holiday Seasons are Over...

I finally got my tree and all my Christmas decor down and packed away for another year. It was sad in a way having to pack it all up because that means our first Christmas is over and there won't be another "Our 1st Christmas"
This week officially starts the semester, Sid's last semester. What a scary and exciting time it is. Its exciting because Sid has worked so hard for this day to come and I'm so proud of him. It's also exciting because school will be behind us and we'll start another phase on our journey but its scary at the same time. We don't have any idea or leads as of right now. All we can do is pray for God's leading and direction. So pray with us as we seek His guidance

1 comment:

mindy said...

I will pray (I already have been!) I can't wait for his graduation, it is very exciting to see where God will lead you two, I'm very anxious for it! As you know I want ya'll close, but at the same time I LOVE to travel if I must =)