Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10 on Tuesday

1. Well we've made it to another week!
2. It was Easter Weekend, which means it was our 1st one has a married couple. We didn't do anything out of the ordinary though. I made roast one of Sid's favorite dinners then watched a little bit of golf with him before I went to take a nap.
3. Speaking of golf, sid and I went to the driving range...that was a ton of fun. I even got a few balls off the ground and into the air! Sid loves golfing and I wanted to go do something that he enjoys along side him.
4. Friday night the youth from Sid's home church came in for an all night activity. We met up with them at Incredible Pizza and then went on to Laser Quest. Sid and I eventually left around 3:30 Saturday morning! It was a lot of fun and I'm glad that we went.
5. At work Jehan and I are having a contest to see how many interviews we can get set for today and tomorrow and then again next Tuesday and Wednesday and then we'll see how many of them actually come in. The winner will get $250...so who is going to win?!?!? ME!!!! LOL
6. So the other night I got a little sad and you know what it was over?!?! It wasn't over the possability of leaving friends or family but over leaving our first home as a married couple. Ok so I may be a little weird but I can't help it and I think of the little things. :)
7. We still have no leads just for those who may be curious.
8. Its beautiful outside and I wish I could be out there instead of in here but I must work.
9. I'm getting my hair done on Friday and I'm super excited!!! I can't wait its been so long since I've had it done at least by my best friend. I'm also excited to see Chayla, Liz and the second family!!!
10. I'm leaving you with a chorus that we sing a lot in church that I just love...
"He is Alive! No grave could keep my Lord; He is alive! New life He gives. He is Alive! He rose up on that Easter morn. He is alive! My Saviour lives."

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